Happy New Year from The Together Plan family!
It is that time again when we reflect on the year past and contemplate the one ahead. In spite of the challenges we face as a result of the current pandemic and political protests in Belarus, we are remaining resolute and focused on our work to support Jewish communities, sharing skills for growth and self-development and collectively building a Jewish heritage trail in Belarus. The past six months have been challenging and complex, but through adversity we have found resilience as we have identified new opportunities to be even more connected in virtual spaces.
As we progress into the new year, we do so with absolute commitment towards our vision of reviving Jewish community life in Belarus and putting Jewish Belarus back on the world map.
We are delighted to share with you a guide to some of the symbolic edibles that we adorn our tables with at this time of year as well as some wonderful recipes for you to enjoy over the holiday period.
We wish you all a happy, healthy, peaceful, restful and reflective new year
and thank you for your continued support.
All the best,
The Together Plan Team
live klezmer Zoom concert
On Sunday, over 100 people attended a live klezmer Zoom concert in the garden of Marc Chagall’s childhood home organised by The Together Plan. This is the first time that Belarus has participated in the European Days of Jewish Culture Festival.
If you missed the event and would like to watch the recording, click the button above to contact us and we will be happy to share it for a small donation which can be made via our website.

symbolic food to eat on Rosh Hashanah
The festival of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is a joyous occasion celebrated by members of the Jewish community all over the world.

apple and honey granola bites
If you want a nosh, but would like it to be healthy, why not give these bites a go!

my mother-in-law’s honey cake
This recipe is over 100 years old and was passed down to me by my mother in law who received it from her grandma.

apple and honey crumble
We love it when people share our recipes! Make sure to forward this email to your family and friends and you can even impress them with a recipe attempt!
Make sure to tag us and use #TheTogetherPlan in anything you post!