Once again Passover is upon us, and once again we are having Passover in lockdown with limited access to friends and family.
Passover celebrates the Exodus when Israelites fled to freedom from their enslavement in Egypt. This could not be more poignant this year as we all pray for the long-awaited release into freedom later in the year.
At Jewish festivals, so many of us dig out our traditional recipes handed down from generations of loved ones. Many of us stick to the old faithful, but some get revamped with a modern twist.
Here Michelle has brought you two of her recipes:
- Homemade matzah which she has developed for those of you who can’t get to the shops
- Matzah pudding – to comfort and nourish the sweet tooth
And from the Belarusian Cookbook by Alexander Bealy in Belarus, we have a typical Passover sauce to serve with many dishes.
Stay safe wherever you are. As we say, ‘next year in Jerusalem’ and let’s add ‘next year all together’.