Hill of ashes at the Sobibor Death Camp - site of mass murder
there is so much work still to be done
This month’s newsletter is marked with sadness and grief in the aftermath of the events that took place in Israel on October 7th, the resulting war and the devastating rise in antisemitism across the globe. Everything we do at The Together Plan focuses on helping isolated communities in Eastern Europe find their voice and tell their stories not yet told as a route to revival. Everything we do helps people around the world connect to the homes of their ancestors and everything we do helps to tell the story of the Jews of Eastern Europe and their suffering over centuries. This month we have been in Poland exploring this tragic history with heritage practitioners to develop strategies to disseminate this history to people of all faiths and none in ways that make it meaningful and relevant to today. As we mark the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Minsk Ghetto we bring a story from the ghetto that was locked in the KGB archives to the English speaking world, and our esteemed patron Esther Gilbert takes us on the start of a journey to learn about the Diplomats in the Second World War who went against their governments to save thousands of Jewish lives. There is so much we still need to do to learn how to learn from the past. It’s one thing to know about it, quite another to use that knowledge to build a better civil society.
May we all work together to find ways to build a peaceful tomorrow and we thank you for your support in helping us to do this.
tragic Jewish history plays out in real time - the need for European Jewish heritage narratives now more urgent than ever
Coming together with heritage practitioners in Poland this month to build the European Route of Jewish Heritage in the shadow of the horrific events of October 7th took on a new and heightened sense of urgency.
Click here to find out more

a world in mourning: reflections on the October 7th, 2023 attack
As we stand on this sombre October 21st, 2023, exactly two weeks after the tragic attack on Israeli citizens on the morning of October 7th, the world finds itself in the grip of profound sorrow and anxiety.
Click here for the full article

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – A Short Primer
The Holocaust education programme, Making History Together, holds a central role within The Together Plan. This programme delves into the historical context of antisemitism and examines the ties between Soviet Union Jews and Israel. Robin Moss, a highly esteemed facilitator of our programme, has crafted this insightful article for us in response to the attack on Israel that transpired on Saturday, October 7th, 2023.
Click here to read the article

a flicker of light in the darkness
An extraordinary effort by The Together Plan team in Belarus over the last six months sees the opening of a long awaited Jewish Heritage Centre in Minsk.
Click here to read the article

there is still so much we don’t yet know
Marking the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Minsk Ghetto in Minsk and bringing hidden history into focus.
Click here to read the article

Gilbert’s Ghetto Guides
The experience of Jews in the area that is now Belarus has its rightful place in Sir Martin Gilbert’s histories of the Holocaust. As a feature of our monthly newsletter, a short excerpt from his writings is featured focusing on one of the cities, towns, villages, and forests where Jews tried desperately to escape the Nazi German murder machine.
Click here for this month’s guide – Episode 11 – Righteous Diplomats by Esther Gilbert

Belarus ancestry and archives - we can help
The Together Plan has been helping people locate records in the Belarus archives for some years. There has never been a more exciting time for people to connect to personal history – or for that history to have a greater impact on world knowledge!
If you are looking for assistance with regards to the Belarus archives and would like to make an appointment to speak to us and discuss your requirements, please email us at [email protected] – we are ready to help.

Upcoming events
Virtual tour of Jewish Bessarabia: Today’s Moldova and its capital – Kishinev
Wednesday, November 1
USA 12:00 pm PT / 3:00 pm ET
UK 7:00 pm / France 08:00 pm / Israel 09:00 pm
The talk will last approximately 90 minutes
A talk hosted by Qesher by Evgenia Kempinski – a Russian Jew born and raised in St. Petersburg. Her family was originally from the Pale of Settlement – Poland, Ukraine and Belorussia.
Click here to book tickets
Qesher will donate a contribution of their ticket sales to The Together Plan’s charity projects.