As we move into Autumn, the days grow shorter and we reset our clocks for the winter ahead. Meanwhile, we navigate the complexities of the constantly changing COVID constraints and the challenges of political protests in Belarus, remaining ever resolute and focused on our charity goals. This month we bring you an exciting update across our projects, and news of our current campaign to signpost a vitally important hidden historic sight in the south of Belarus.
We have some classy cucumber recipes for you to try with a few fun facts to share, and be sure to check out our blog posts too!
All the best,
The Together Plan Team
October's round up

There is a buzz of energy at The Together Plan as projects develop at a pace. A new book in translation, an exciting archive search going back 260 years, preparing for a lorry bound for Belarus and progress with our heritage trail.

So much of Jewish Belarus remains hidden. It is our mission to tell the stories, mark places of memory and give communities a voice. This mission is beginning to inspire Belarusians to take action and play a part. Such a great message for tolerance and togetherness.