A nation under threat through the eyes of its artists
In the middle of Europe right now – there is a war raging. People are fighting, hiding, dying. Bombs are falling on buildings, villages, schools, hospitals, memorials and churches. It is a landscape of tank battles and fear. It is an incursion into the peace that Europe has enjoyed for 77 years. As the first missiles were launched on February 24th, the rest of Europe and the world jumped to attention and reacted. People played their part; they donated, collected aid and did what they could. Six months in, and the war has become a part of daily existence. Many have adapted to the new reality and things have ‘normalised’. But let’s not be complacent and let’s keep ourselves alert and vigilant to the horrors that are unfolding on a daily basis, because nothing about war is normal and we shouldn’t stay silent. We can’t afford to lose focus and we must continue to play our part so that collectively we can support those who need us right now.
Since the start of the war, something quite extraordinary has been happening. Through sheer bravery and stealth, activists have transported 140 pieces of original art by Ukrainian artists out of the country. The artists are still in Ukraine. In the midst of war, secreting major art pieces out of Ukraine was a desperate affair, fraught with risk; but young talents, established professionals and brilliant masters from across the conflict torn country volunteered their best work to be sent to safety to be auctioned to aid the campaign to support liberation.
In this extraordinary collection, you have the unique opportunity to purchase works from Artists from all over Ukraine; from Lviv and Kyiv, to the Carpathian Mountains and Dniepro to Mauriupol and Kharkiv. Many of the pieces are directly related to the current war, but they all have a unique story affected by politics and conflict. Together, they form a record of a moment in time none of us in Europe ever thought we would find ourselves again confronting. These brave artists need your support to keep creating and the charities they support desperately need funds to take care of the most helpless as the heroes on the front lines continue to fight against an implacable enemy.
The proceeds from the auction will go to support the artists’ community, and charities that are supporting Ukrainian women and children, to help the disabled in their country, to aid displaced animals and most importantly support the effort for a Free Ukraine. For further information on the charities click here.
The best and brightest Ukrainian Artists contributed their work to Fight with Art for one specific goal – a free and prosperous Ukraine. This is their cause and now is the time for people of goodwill worldwide to show their solidarity by contributing via this incredible online auction and in return becoming the owner of a powerful artistic statement of defiance and freedom against brutal tyranny.
There is a human tragedy unfolding in front of our eyes in the heart of Europe and we can do something about it. The heart and soul of a culture will always be portrayed through its artists. Where that culture is at threat of elimination what better way to show support by helping to show the vibrancy and the life that pulsates through every brush stroke.
We want this story to travel. We need people to share, so that we can really send this far and wide to raise as much as we can and support the artists and those who are suffering right now. Together we can all make this happen. Don’t wait – share now! People’s lives depend on it.