The Mega TTP Supper Quiz
a su(p)per special event
with extra special surprise guests….
This comeback event will be held at Finchley Reform Synagogue (101 Fallow Ct Ave, London N12 0BE). This will be a pot luck event, so we encourage you to coordinate a table of up to 10 people, and bring dishes that are Vegetarian and nut-free. The event will be taking place from 6:30pm-10pm.
Tickets are £15 (Concessions – students and seniors: £10)
We ask that upon ticket purchase, you encourage the other members of your team to write down the name of the table leader, so we can ensure you will be placed with who you want!
Limited places available – so get signed up quickly!
Book tickets:
All proceeds will benefit The Together Plan with their mission to build cultural and educational programmes that promote dialogue and empowerment, encourage community development and help Jewish people in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe reconnect to their lost culture, their traditions, their heritage and identity.