What’s going on in Belarus?
Following the much disputed Presidential election in Belarus on the 9th August, the three day internet blackout, the brutal treatment by the security forces on unarmed protesters and the demonstrations that have followed, we felt the time was right to bring you an update on how things are in Belarus from our team on the ground.
We maintain daily contact with our Minsk office and the team are continuing to support communities who in turn are continuing to support their members. Artur Livshyts (Belarus Country Director) has reported that no-one in our sphere of work is in danger or has been harmed. The political situation is unstable and precarious, which has caused an unexpected division between many people living in Belarus. The impact on civil society is great and emotions are running high at the moment. With contested leadership and no presence of any opposition leadership in the country – there is a stasis that we anticipate will run for some time to come.
It is very clear that our work is needed now, more than ever before. We, as The Together Plan, are unimpeded in what we do in Belarus as we are a non-political body. Our charity work brings the promise of cultural collaboration, education as well as welfare and material support through our Aid Together programme. All of our projects are gratefully received and well looked upon in Belarus. Our work has not been slowed by the situation, and this gives people a positive focus and much needed reassurance to know that we are ongoing with all of our programming and support of our community initiatives.
If you would like more information or would like to know how you can show support at this time, contact us.
Two upcoming (free!) events where you can hear more:

Taste of Limmud
Artur Livshyts (Belarus Country Director) will be speaking on Zoom at Limmud South Africa this Saturday. He will bring to life the rich Jewish history of Belarus and also speak about the community today, and what the recent protests mean for the future of Belarus and the future of Jewish community in Belarus
August 22nd: 7pm

Belarus: a Jewish community revived
Debra Brunner (CEO) will be speaking on Zoom at the Finchley Reform Synagogue Jewish Twoish Programme next Wednesday.
August 26th: 2pm
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