We have featured this delicious recipe as part of April’s special feature on the vastly
underappreciated beetroot, so if you have landed on this recipe without reading our fascinating
beetroot blog then just click here for the backstory. But there is more! How did the bashful beetroot
find its way into East European cuisine? Just click here to find out.
As a charity working in the former Soviet Union, we know that Belarusians love to grow their own.
Beetroot, potatoes, squash, courgettes, cucumbers, tomatoes and soft fruits are staples, and tended
to during the hot summer months at dachas all across the country.
Here are some fabulous tips on growing your own squash and courgettes courtesy of Happy DIY Home.
Enjoy this recipe and be sure to check out many others as well as the important work we do reviving Jewish community life in the former Soviet Union on our website.
Roast beet, butternut squash and goats cheese salad,
topped with spicy granola
In times of hardship and limited availability, try using vegetables where you can use the whole vegetable (nose to tail cooking). When you buy beetroot, buy the bulb with the tops and leaves on, so you can cook the whole plant.
Do not peel the butternut squash, just wash and roast with the skin on until it gets golden, crispy, caramelised and chewy.
Remove the seeds, wash and roast in olive oil, salt and any spice of your choice until crunchy and golden. Use it as a topping for salads.
Serves 4-6
- Chinese leaves ( peel off 6-8 leaves, wash and drain in a colander)
- 200g baby spinach or rocket ( washed and drained)
- 100g Israeli couscous ( cook according to pack instructions)
- 100g red or wild rice
- 4 beetroot bulbs
- 1 whole small butternut squash, washed, top and tails, cut into 2-3cm cubes.
- 2 large red onions ( peeled, halved and quartered)
- 100g goats cheese or feta cheese
- Spicy granola ( see recipe )
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp Ras el hanout spice mixture

Top and tail the beetroot, wash stalks and leaves, then fry in garlic oil for 5 minutes until stalks are soft and leaves have wilted.

Chop the chinese leaves and mix with spinach or rocket.
Layer onto a large platter.

Mix the butternut cubes and red onions in a bowl with 1 tbsp of olive oil and 2 tsp of ras el hanout. Roast in the oven 180C/ Gas 5 for 40-45 mins until crispy and golden.

Peel the beetroot ( with disposable gloves) and cut into quarters. Place in a lined baking tray and sprinkle with olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh thyme and oregano.
Roast the beetroot at 180C/ Gas 5 for 40-45 minutes.
When the vegetables are roasted, remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Cook the Israeli couscous and red rice according to pack instructions, allow to cool and mix together. Sprinkle over the leaves.
Then add the roasted vegetables and top with goats cheese and savoury granola.