The Together Plan is a charity working to revive Jewish community life in Belarus. History, heritage and culture is high on our agenda and food is intrinsic to who we are… Do explore the rest of our website to find out more about our current projects as well as how you can get involved and support us.
If you want a nosh, but would like it to be healthy, why not give these bites a go!
- 250g jumbo oats
- 100g pumpkin seeds
- 100g sunflower seeds
- 80g desiccated coconut
- 30g dried apple
- 150g flame raisins
- 5g ground cinnamon
- 130g honey
- 100g tahini
- 50g apple juice
- 30g coconut oil (melted)
Preheat the oven to 150C, Gas mark 3
Line a baking tray(24x24x5cm) with parchment paper
Warm the honey, tahini and coconut oil in a small saucepan, stirring constantly. Watch that the mixture does not burn or stick to the bottom of your pan.
Remove from the heat and add the maple syrup and apple juice.
Mix the dry ingredients together and then stir in the wet ingredients.
Mix thoroughly and spread the mixture into the lined baking tray.
Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden. Watch that the mixture does not burn!
Remove from the oven and leave to cool overnight.
Cut into squares of desired size, roughly 4cm square.
[This recipe was devised by [email protected]
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