If you have landed on this recipe through our blog then you will know that May 2021 in our recipe series is all about Mushrooms.
If you have found this recipe by chance, welcome to The Together Plan, a charity working to revive Jewish community life in Belarus. History, heritage and culture are high on our agenda and food is intrinsic to who we are… Do explore the rest of our website to find out more about our current projects as well as how you can get involved and support us.
- salt
- 1 egg
- 100g mushrooms – Forest mushrooms e.g porcini /champignons /chanterelles
- 500g potatoes
- 1 onion
- 2-3 tbsp flour
- 1 tbs vegetable oil
- соль
- яйцо – 1 шт.
- грибы – 100 г
- картофель – 500 г
- лук репчатый – 1 шт.
- мука – 2-3 ст. л.
- масло растительное – 1 ст. л.
- Peel potatoes then grate on a fine grater. Squeeze lightly to get rid of the excess water.
- Mix the potatoes with an egg, a pinch of salt and add a little flour for viscosity.
- Peel the onions and mushrooms. Rinse the mushrooms then dice the onion and chop the mushrooms.
- Heat the vegetable oil in a pan and fry the onions and mushrooms until the onions are golden brown, about 5 minutes. Season with salt to taste.
- Roll up the potato mixture into small balls, then stuff them with the mixture of mushrooms and onions.
- Boil salted water in a saucepan and then lower the dumplings into the water and cook for 12 – 15 minutes without interfering.
- Remove with a slotted spoon and serve with sour cream or tomato sauce.
Belarusian / Клецки с грибами
- Картофель очистить, натереть на мелкой терке, слегка отжать. Смешать картофель с яйцом, щепоткой соли и добавить немного муки для вязкости.
- Лук и грибы очистить.
- Грибы промыть. Лук нарезать кубиками, грибы измельчить.
- В сковороде нагреть растительное масло и обжарить лук и грибы, пока лук не станет золотистым,
- минут. Посолить по вкусу.
- Скатать небольшие шарики, начинить их смесью грибов и лука. Вскипятить в кастрюле подсоленную воду, опустить клецки и варить 12 – 15 минут, не мешая.
- Вынуть шумовкой и подать со сметаной или томатным соусом.
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