We asked the participants, all aged 12-13, what their takeaways were from the Making History Together programme. These were their answers:
“Yes, we should so we can improve on our past mistakes”
– Gabriel Levy
“Yes, we should look back because the past made us who we are and we should recognise that.”
– Jake Portnoi
“Yes, we should, otherwise we wouldn’t appreciate anything as we didn’t know how we got it.”
– Lauren Shaw
“We should look back to understand what people did to others and ensure history does not and cannot repeat itself.”
– Leo M.
“Yes, without memory, we cannot learn from past mistakes. We should look back because we can’t just forget about bad experiences, they shape us and make us who we are today.”
– Logan Leipheimer Allen
“Yes, memory is our history so it is vital we look back on it. We also need to look back and assess our actions and any improvements that need to be made.”
– Maya P.
“Yes, we should look back as it is important to remember what happened to us and that we don’t repeat bad things.”
– Natan J.
“Yes, sacrifices should not be lost, and knowledge must be shared. We should look back, to learn from our mistakes and fix them.”
– Ori C-R.
“Yes, memory does matter and we should look back so we can remember the good things and never forget the bad things in our lives and history.”
– Tobey B.
“Yes, this is because (for example) bad things that have happened in the past should not happen. Good things that have happened should be repeated. This is why memory matters.”
– Yishai Epstein-Lightman
“Yes, we should look back to remind us of the horrible history of the Jews and to make sure the Holocaust never happens again.”
– Ziggy C.
“So we can keep the history alive and remembered”
– Gabriel Levy
“This and all history is important because it stops us making the mistakes that we have made.”
– Jake Portnoi
“It’s a hidden part of history in the war and it should be spoken about.”
– Lauren Shaw
“It’s important to know what the Jews have been through so you can change what people say and do in the future.”
– Leo M.
“Well, if we don’t tell their story, who else will keep their memories alive?”
– Logan Leipheimer Allen
“It is very important to know our past, our heritage and discover hidden history. We should also know and appreciate what people went through and discover how bad it was.”
– Maya P.
“So people can remember those who died and not repeat those tragedies.”
– Natan J.
“It’s important, they lost so much, it is the least we can do to honour their memory.”
– Ori C-R.
“It’s important to tell the story of the Jews in Belarus so other people can learn about the terrible things that happened there and so we never forget what happened.”
– Tobey B.
“Because those Jews should not have died in vain, we should protect their memory. If not for our sake, then for all those innocent lives’ sake.”
– Yishai Epstein-Lightman
“To tell us how awful Hitler was and what our ancestors did for us. Also to say that people are capable of changing.”
– Ziggy C.
“So they can know their own heritage and past to give respect to them and to keep that bravery alive”
– Gabriel Levy
“To learn about the terrible things that happened and to know a slice of pain from the Jews.”
– Jake Portnoi
“They should learn it as it’s part of their culture and makes them them.”
– Lauren Shaw
“The Belarusians should learn about their history as it was hidden by the Soviets and now it has been revealed so they can learn the truth and respond to it.”
– Leo M.
“If they want to, Belarusians should learn their hidden history because they might stop the horrific events like those from happening again.”
– Logan Leipheimer Allen
“Because it links them even more than us and they should understand what their ancestors went through.”
– Maya P.
“So they can look at their past and learn from it.”
– Natan J.
“To understand what happened in the land they live in.”
– Ori C-R.
“Belarusians should learn about their own hidden history so they know what happened to Belarus and how it was before the war.”
– Tobey B.
“A whole generation of Belarusians was murdered. If Belarusians learn what happened, they will make sure that nothing similar happens again. All those dead people deserve for us (at least) to preserve their memory after what happened to them.”
– Yishai Epstein-Lightman