telling the stories that need to be told
There is a theme to this month’s news and it is all about stories. The whispered narrative that simmers under the surface in Belarus and how we are slowly bringing these stories into focus, whilst giving voice to the communities of today. Read about the first Making History Together programme sessions a unique Holocaust education programme that has been created by The Together Plan Charity with the support of Jewish Child’s Day and the Jewish Chronicle Newspaper. We bring you news of two more books on the Minsk Ghetto now being translated which tell us yet more about the suffering of the Soviet Jews. We dip into the world of the Jewish Atlantis, the Shtetl of days of old, through records that we are accessing in the Belarus family archives. And finally, we bring you news of our phenomenal young activists, agents of social change, who are being the difference they want to see.
All the best,
The Together Plan Team
February's round up

We are excited to share this month’s news highlights with you and bring you up to speed with some of our projects. For regular updates, do follow us on social media.

There has been activity galore in The Together Plan kitchen this month with the prepping of parsnips from the pantry! Enjoy our delicious tried and tested dishes.