Jewish Belarus – then and now

Jewish Belarus – then and now

Join Debra Brunner and Artur Livshyts, Co-Founders of The Together Plan, as they journey back in time, arriving at contemporary Jewish Belarus and examining how they are working to preserve the past to build for a better tomorrow.

This talk will be hosted by Qesher and tickets can be booked using the button above.

This event will be in: English 🇬🇧


27 Feb 2022


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


click here to book your ticket


  • Artur Livshyts
    Artur Livshyts
    Belarus Country Director

    Artur was born in Minsk and spent two years living with a relative in Nashville, Tennessee. It was there, as a child of the Soviet Union, that he discovered Judaism; he studied Hebrew and had a bar mitzvah. It was his first foray into Jewish life. He spent a year living in a boarding school in Israel before returning to Belarus where he completed his education in Minsk, studying Human Rights Law. Having had a taste of Jewish life, he has made it his life’s work to strive for a revival of the Jewish community in Belarus. He met Debra Brunner in 2009 and together, since that time, they have worked to build and grow The Together Plan.

  • Debra Brunner
    Debra Brunner

    Debra has been working in Belarus for over ten years and is a passionate advocate for Jewish community, history, heritage and identity. Debra has worked tirelessly to grow The Together Plan in order to give agency to Jewish people coming out of a traumatic past, to empower them and give them skills and self-belief to rebuild and revive. It is Debra’s mantra that together we can make a real and positive difference for a better, stronger and more cohesive Jewish landscape in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.