On December 8th, our incredible events team brought us an end of year charity evening which had us dancing, singing, cheering and laughing.
This was a fantastic finale to what has been a really action-packed year for The Together Plan giving us the perfect opportunity to come together to celebrate our achievements. With over a hundred people in the room, we danced to the smooth jazz vibes from ‘The Out of Handers’ as we dined on a delicious fresh fish supper direct from the coast that day.
There then followed several rounds of what can only be described as a big brazen bingo bash with a twist…..no-one was prepared for what was to come! Dancing on our seats, ‘Gok Wan’ walking the catwalk, arm waving and all together now….!! And most importantly, we were able to tell people about the building of a Jewish Cultural Heritage Trail through Belarus – The Together Plan’s biggest and most challenging charity project to date. Watch our latest film ‘Trailblazing in Belarus’.